The ending scene of Mamma Mia.
Photo Credit: Katie Christy
GCDS High School presents Mamma Mia! Mrs. Durning, the director of the show, was very happy with the choice of the performance. She stated, “I am extremely happy! Mamma Mia! was a celebratory experience for the cast, crew, and audience alike!” Mr. DeVries, the musical director, believes, “ It is a perfect show because it is lively, and it has exciting music.”
Jordyn, who played Donna, states “preparing for the show was very fun, and it is nice seeing people grow and learn about theater.” Riya, an 11th grader, who is stage manager shares, “I have been on the different side, preparing for lights and sound, and doing all of the backstage work.” Caitlin, a 9th grader, who played Sophie in the production shares, “the biggest highlights have been the new friendships I have made, and this past week putting the whole show together.”
As the performance came around the corner, one of Jordyn’s highlights was, “finally putting costumes on and getting on the stage, seeing lights, and seeing all of your hard work come together is so beautiful.”
Both Jordyn and Riya share that there was more good than bad rehearsing for the show, but Jordyn states that she was nervous because, “this is the biggest role that I have ever had, and I just want to do the character justice.” Working on the other side of the production, Riya shares her nervousness, “I am scared because I have to call cues and I don’t want to mess up the lighting and the sound because this is my first time doing that.”

Simon, Sol, Harry as the three dads in Mamma Mia.
Photo Credit: Katie Christy
The entire high school traveled to Old Church Road to watch the performance of Mamma Mia. Ella, a 9th grader, says, “I think the show was really good, they worked hard. I think that they achieved their goal and went above and beyond.” Georgina, a 9th grader, states, “I loved the show, I love the actors, I love the sets, I love the costumes, I think that overall it was a great show and GCDS really pulled it off especially coming out of covid, it was a great show and a great kickoff to high school theater.”