A night you’ll never forget

In a crazy year, GCDS has figured out how to throw its first High School Prom. Prom is a memory many high school students want to remember and talk about to their own children about in the future. Last school year in the height of the pandemic, we sadly couldn’t throw one but this year GCDS pulled all the strings to bring some happiness to our students. The year is sadly coming to an end, and this added to the great memories for us to talk about decades from now. The Seniors and Juniors decided to make the theme “Roaring 20’s”. Talk about Prom roamed the hall for weeks, with excitement building. Walking in, you were greeted with an array of masks and pearls that fit the theme perfectly, but the main attraction was the photo booth. The great quality showcased the joy on everyone’s faces. The second big thing was dinner. Each person chose between salmon or chicken and had a delicious Caprese salad as their starter. The food was great but many didn’t have time to finish it all,  eager to get back on the dance floor. Janet stated, “Prom was a great way for students and faculty to bond outside of the classroom after a stressful year.” After a night filled with laughter and dancing, it was sad for the night to come to an end, but many are thrilled to see what is to come in the future.

Photo Credit: https://cavtalk.org/4755/ae/our-last-dance/